
Monday, May 15, 2017

Un dia despues de Mother's Day.

Un dia despues del Dia de las Madres.

Muchas veces me habia  preguntado por que  Dios escogio a las madres para tener hijos y no a los padres?

Una mujer cambia por completo el dia que siente las primeras pataditas de su bebe dentro de si.
A partir de ese dia, ya sabe que no se debe asi misma, que de ahi en adelante tendra que luchar por esa nueva vida que lleva dentro de ella.

Es la mas grande historia de Amor que existe. -La de una madre y su hijo/a. -Son lazos eternos que ni siquiera la muerte los puede romper!

Cuando mi hija Eileen nacio, todas mis amigas me dijeron: - Cada bebe trae "un pan debajo del brazo" -yo estaba muy preocupada porque recien llegaba a Estados Unidos con una maleta donde venian dos mudas de ropa, fotos y una Biblia, nada mas. Todos mis Certificados y records de trabajo quedaban en Cuba, pais donde habia nacido y crecido. Estaba comenzando de 'Cero' y estaba "horrorizada" porque este Mundo nuevo donde habia llegado, era "completamente nuevo para mi" y no era el Idioma lo que mas me asustaba, no, era su "Cultura" que tanto habia admirado desde Cuba pero que ahora de cerca no la entendia.

Deslumbrantes luces de colores, edificios que tuercen el cuello para llegar al ultimo piso, y todos aquellos cubanos solo hablando de "solo se trabaja para pagar los billes" y "espera que ya veras" o "ya vistes la soga que te echaron al cuello cuando llegastes?"

Dentro de tanta voragine y noticias horrorosas la unica noticia alegre y que me llenaba de felicidad era saber que iba a ser Madre! No me importaba el futuro, no me inportaban las necesidades materiales, estaba segura que el amor a mi hija me iba a sacar adelante y  me conduciria por el camino correcto.

Asi mismo a sido como lo habia pensado! Gracias a Dios Eileen ya cumplio 15 y nosotras seguimos divirtiendos mucho juntas! 
Somos las mejores amigas!
Somos las mejores hermanas!
Es la Felicidad vestida de mujer!

Ahora comenzando nuevos proyectos, con mas experiencia y mayor apoyo!
Debo confesar que ella es la hija que siempre quise tener!
Hasta puedo escuchar sus consejos con todo y su juventud!

Ya se porque Dios nos dio el gran privilegio de ser Madres!!

No necesitamos nada! Nuestros hijos traen todo lo que necesitan para el camino!

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Celebrate Mother's Day!


Click on the image and see what happen!!



Monday, May 8, 2017


Vamos a Celebrar en Grande este Dia de las Madres!!

 From peer pressure to bullying and from success to failing, my mom can help me with just about everything. Thanks mom.

 Thank You are the two words I want to use to show gratitude for the two words you have given me – Perfect Life. Thanks mom.

Mothers like you are soft sponges which absorb their children’s tears and squeeze out pretty bubbles of happiness and joy. Thanks for everything mom.

                                               Happy Mohers's Day

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Chapter 12, The Subconscious Mind.

Chapter 12, The Subconscious Mind.

The thirteen principles are the stimuli with which you acquire the ability to reach, and to influence your subconscious mind. Do not become discouraged, if you cannot do this upon the first attempt.
Remember that the subconscious mind may be voluntarily directed only through habit, under the directions given in the chapter on FAITH.
You have not yet had time to master faith.
If you want to learn more, let me a comment here.

Friday, March 24, 2017


                                                  FIT BODY - FAT WALLET


Joel Therien had a thriving career as a personal trainer and he started his second professional career right out of University as a Pulmonary and Cardiac Rehabilitation Specialist at the Montford Hospital in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Although he had an amazing boss, great working colleagues and a pretty good salary of $52,000 a year, Joel wanted more. He wanted to provide a better future for himself and his family. So... the thought of doing stress testing at a hospital for the next 40 years started to lose its appeal. Hence he quit after eight months into it.

However, at 27 years of age he started to lose his health and became a "medical mystery", as he referred to his health problem. He had been misdiagnosed with either Lou Gehrig's disease, multiple sclerosis, or brain cancer. He went from a lean muscular 240 pounds with 7% body fat down to 165 pounds. As a bodybuilder, this deeply concerned him and this is when he turned to the internet to look for answers.

Joel used the internet to find the answer or reason for his ill-health. He claimed that it was "ASPARTAME", (additive code E 951), the artificial sweetener found in all diet soft drinks and in many foods today. You see, he was on diet of various products that contained aspartame, to maintain his low body fat levels. And he felt that due to the over consumption of aspartame, he was poisoning himself. Although aspartame has been approved by various world food authorities, the debate on its toxicity still goes on.

Joel Therien spent almost 12 hours a day for two full years on the Internet in a small 800 sq. ft. row house with his young family. Although his expenses were relatively little he was near emotional, physical, and financial ruin.

“I still wasn’t feeling well physically and I still had not made a single sale online in 2 years. The emotional pressure was overwhelming.”
Despite the health setbacks he was able to build up a very profitable multi million dollar business that has been up and running now since 1998. That company is Global Virtual Opportunities (GVO)

Joel credits the long term 18 year success of GVO by offering true business to business products that business owners and network marketers actually need!! At a great price!

His motto “You do NOT have a great opportunity if you do NOT have great products that people are willing to pay for despite the opportunity”

Joel admits, during the climb of GVO he was still suffering from the effects of aspartame poisoning. Constant food allergies, debilitating migraines were the norm. But he pushed on.

However, after a lot of homeopathy, acupuncture, and organic foods, Joel says his worst days are behind him. “For the past 5 years I have been once again in the gym regularly. It feels great to have built the same body I once had in my 20ies but now even better at age 44”
“You know” says Joel, “Getting so sick was a blessing in disguise, I would have never founded GVO and now with 18 years experience and feeling healthy again I am able to launch Our very first Health and Wellness lifestyle platform that is also our very first truly consumer based product line..” will be by far the biggest and most successful program we have ever done. Now that I am healthy again, I am able to share my true passions for health and wellness with the world.. You combine that with 18 years of online marketing and MLM experience and 33 years of Personal Training experience and you have a real home run!!!

So yeah.. I don’t mind getting a bit sick, it was worth the wait, it is time to transform millions of lives all over the world. is currently in the Pre Enrollment phase. Join their Pre Enrollment notification list here.                                    


                                                    I WILL SHOW YOU HOW!!!

Wednesday, February 8, 2017


Eileen testing her new make up💄💋🎀

Trabajar desde casa y cuidar a mi hija siempre ha sido mi sueño.
Tener el tiempo libre para poder jugar con ella y a la vez enseñarle todas aquellas cosas que una chica necesita saber.
Es por eso que llevo años en diferentes MLM y usando las redes sociales como forma de promover mi negocio en linea.

Ahora despues de 8 años he comenzado un nuevo proyecto que me ayude personalmente a bajar de peso y ganar musculos.
En este blog comenzarè a subir fotos y compartir mi experiencia en esta nueva jornada que me he trazado.
Os dejo aquí el link de mi Negocio por si os interesa saber de que se trata puedan leer y conocer màs.
El nombre del Proyecto es Ahora Un Nuevo Estilo.
En Ingles "Now Life Style"

Como veis està en ingles pero si se animan lo puedo traducir y guiarlos por el camino al Exito.
El Exito en el Multinivel  es solo para aquelllas personas que esten dispuestas a trabajar de forma independiente y a la vez usar las herramientas que ya han sido creadas por otros Lideres y que llevan años probando su eficacia.


Puedes ponchar en el link que te llevara a dejar tu correo y sin compromiso alguno te enviarè màs información. Tambien puedes dejar un comentario y me podrè en contacto contigo para contestar las preguntas o dudas que tengas acerca de lo que has leído.

Gracias por leer mi Blog👌

Friday, February 3, 2017

Live, Love and Laugh!

Joel Therien announces the launch of a project that has been a labor of love for him for years. is a combination of his first love for fitness and nutrition and his vast knowledge of internet and netowork marketing.

Since 1998, Joel has had the privilege of helping thousands of individuals and businesses achieve an online presence not to mention help them make money while doing it.

He has built a very successful company Global Virtual Opportunities and has decided to build and grow NowLifeStyle with the intention of making it the largest online and offline health, wealth and direct selling companies around. And, I have no doubt that he will achieve this.

“NowLifeStyle is about achieving the “now” in your life style.” Joel says. It’s more than just fitness and nutrition. It’s about growing yourself and achieving those dreams that you never thought were possible until right now.

After all should people not better their health, wealth and relationships not tomorrow but right NOW?

Joel has a huge vision for NowLifeStyle. Starting with fitness supplements and a state of the art exercise platform, he intends to grow into many different facets of every day life that we use.

Joel says that the slogan for NowLifeStyle is “how I want people to embrace this program and use the opportunity”

LIVE life on your terms!
LOVE what you do every single day!
LAUGH because life is one big party!

NowLifeStyle and Joel Therien want to connect with you if you have the willingness, energy and want to be a leader in this, his most exciting project yet. Nowlifestyle is currently in the Pre Enrollment Phase. If you are a lover and a leader in this industry please click here to get on the Pre Enrollment list for FREE today


One new day with one new opportunity

Joel Therien had a thriving career as a personal trainer and he started his second professional career right out of University as a Pulmonary and Cardiac Rehabilitation Specialist at the Montford Hospital in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Although he had an amazing boss, great working colleagues and a pretty good salary of $52,000 a year, Joel wanted more. He wanted to provide a better future for himself and his family. So... the thought of doing stress testing at a hospital for the next 40 years started to lose its appeal. Hence he quit after eight months into it.

However, at 27 years of age he started to lose his health and became a "medical mystery", as he referred to his health problem. He had been misdiagnosed with either Lou Gehrig's disease, multiple sclerosis, or brain cancer. He went from a lean muscular 240 pounds with 7% body fat down to 165 pounds. As a bodybuilder, this deeply concerned him and this is when he turned to the internet to look for answers.

Joel used the internet to find the answer or reason for his ill-health. He claimed that it was "ASPARTAME", (additive code E 951), the artificial sweetener found in all diet soft drinks and in many foods today. You see, he was on diet of various products that contained aspartame, to maintain his low body fat levels. And he felt that due to the over consumption of aspartame, he was poisoning himself. Although aspartame has been approved by various world food authorities, the debate on its toxicity still goes on.

Joel Therien spent almost 12 hours a day for two full years on the Internet in a small 800 sq. ft. row house with his young family. Although his expenses were relatively little he was near emotional, physical, and financial ruin.

“I still wasn’t feeling well physically and I still had not made a single sale online in 2 years. The emotional pressure was overwhelming.”
Despite the health setbacks he was able to build up a very profitable multi million dollar business that has been up and running now since 1998. That company is Global Virtual Opportunities (GVO)

Joel credits the long term 18 year success of GVO by offering true business to business products that business owners and network marketers actually need!! At a great price!

His motto “You do NOT have a great opportunity if you do NOT have great products that people are willing to pay for despite the opportunity”

Joel admits, during the climb of GVO he was still suffering from the effects of aspartame poisoning. Constant food allergies, debilitating migraines were the norm. But he pushed on.

However, after a lot of homeopathy, acupuncture, and organic foods, Joel says his worst days are behind him. “For the past 5 years I have been once again in the gym regularly. It feels great to have built the same body I once had in my 20ies but now even better at age 44”
“You know” says Joel, “Getting so sick was a blessing in disguise, I would have never founded GVO and now with 18 years experience and feeling healthy again I am able to launch Our very first Health and Wellness lifestyle platform that is also our very first truly consumer based product line..” will be by far the biggest and most successful program we have ever done. Now that I am healthy again, I am able to share my true passions for health and wellness with the world.. You combine that with 18 years of online marketing and MLM experience and 33 years of Personal Training experience and you have a real home run!!!

So yeah.. I don’t mind getting a bit sick, it was worth the wait, it is time to transform millions of lives all over the world. is currently in the Pre Enrollment phase. Join their Pre Enrollment notification list here ==> MyNowLifeStyleIsHere